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Generelt om sundhed og symptomer for perimenopause og menopause kvinder

Specifikt om træning for kvinder i perimenopause og menopause

Specifikt om kost for kvinder i perimenopause og menopause
  • Dipla et al (2021): Relative energy deficiency in sports (RED-S): elucidation of endocrine changes affecting the health of males and females.
  • Heikura et al, 2022: Low energy availability in female athletes: From the lab to the field.
  • Oxfeldt et al, 2023: Low energy availability reduces myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic muscle protein synthesis in trained females.
  • Popp et al, 2022: Impact of Low Energy Availability on Skeletal Health in Physically Active Adults.
  • Zupancic et al (2024): Post-absorptive Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Differs Between Pre- and Post-menopausal Females
  • Ioannidou et al (2024): Analysis of combinatory effects of free weight resistance training and a high-protein diet on body composition and strength capacity in postmenopausal women - A 12-week randomized controlled trial.
  • Larsen et al (2023): Dose-Response of Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis To Ingested Whey Protein During Energy Restriction in Overweight Postmenopausal Women: A Randomized, Controlled Trial
  • Simpson et al (2023): Weight gain during the menopause transition: Evidence for a mechanism dependent on protein leverage
  • Areta et al, 2014 Reduced resting skeletal muscle protein synthesis is rescued by resistance exercise and protein ingestion following short-term energy deficit.
  • Wasserfurth et al, 2020: Reasons for and Consequences of Low Energy Availability in Female and Male Athletes: Social Environment, Adaptations, and Prevention.
  • Ackerman et al, 2017:Low energy availability surrogates correlate with health and performance consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport.
  • Vardardottir et al, 2020: Health and performance consequences of Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (RED-s).
  • Gregorio et al 2014: Adequate dietary protein is associated with better physical performance among post-menopausal women 60-90 years.
  • Wohlgemuth, et al (2021) Sex differences and considerations for female specific nutritional strategies: a narrative review.
  • Salvador et al, 2021: Early resistance training-mediated stimulation of daily muscle protein synthetic responses to higher habitual protein intake in middle-aged adults
  • Van Vliet et al, 2018: Achieving Optimal Post-Exercise Muscle Protein Remodeling in Physically Active Adults through Whole Food Consumption.
  • Erdélyi et al (2023): The Importance of Nutrition in Menopause and Perimenopause-A Review
  • Yang et al (2017): 3,3'-Diindolylmethane suppresses high-fat diet-induced obesity through inhibiting adipogenesis of pre-adipocytes by targeting USP2 activity
  • Raubenheimer et al (2023): Protein appetite as an integrator in the obesity system: the protein leverage hypothesis