Superfit Core 1

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Order summary

Superfit Core 1

Looking for the best way to get your tummy back in shape after pregnancy? Look no further!

Superfit Core 1 is a unique abdominal exercise program specially designed to rebuild the entire core after pregnancy safely and effectively.

How it works

✔️ Workout at home or where ever is convenient for you. All you need is your smart phone, tablet or computer and internet access.

✔️ Easy to follow exercise videos with personal trainer Thora from Superfit Mom.

✔️ Loads of detailed instructions and bonus material.

✔️ Instant access. Immediately after you purchase you receive your personal login via email. You're ready to start the program literally within minutes!

✔️ No subscription.

✔️ The one-time payment gives you full access to the program.

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Other moms about Superfit Core:

"This program is SO effective! I recommend it to everyone." – Carolina Diarte, mother of 2

"This program really makes a difference!" – Sara Berglund, mother of 4

"My stomach has never been this flat before!" – Anette Gronbek, mother of 1

"The rapid progress I see on my stomach is so motivating" – Lykke Madsen, mother of 1

"In 21 days my diastasis went from 4 to 2 finger widths!" – Marie Toft, mother of 3

"I hadn't dared to hope for results THIS fast!" – Elisabeth Madsen, mother of 2

"My stomach is flatter and firmer. It's amazing!" – Lillian Buus, mother of 2

The History of Superfit Core

Personal trainer Thora Bjorn, founder of Superfit Mom, has developed the Superfit Core system on the basis of thorough research and testing making it safe and effective.

Superfit Core has run in its Danish version since 2013 already helping thousands of real women healing Diastasis Recti, getting flatter, firmer abs and strong well functioning cores.

Now it is your turn! ❤️

Total due $50

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